Sunday 4 April 2010



GROUND: The ground floor had a lot of nice components to it. It was a very linear design, which I think made the space look colder and less comforting. It may also have been the way the images were rendered that made the space seem less welcoming. The space did not connect well to the other floors other than color usage.

The slide layout for the first floor was really nice. They arranged the drawings in a visually pleasing way. The images themselves also represented the space very well.

The group did not have an attention getter and seemed to just start talking as apposed to having a set beginning to their speech. They described the space well but spoke as if they were trying to sell the space rather than explain it. They also spoke too fast and did not have much of an ending.

I would ask the team about the renderings and the “coldness” of the space.

FIRST: I really enjoyed that this group had a symbol or shapes that they repeated more obviously throughout the space. I enjoyed that creative risk. I don’t think that the space they designed is a space that I would feel welcome to stay for longer than an hour or so but it was definitely a comfortable and well-designed space. The entrance in this space is much more functional than the current entrance.

The slide presentation for the first floor was very cohesive and well-ordered. The group spoke slowly and cohesively and had a good beginning and end to their presentation. I would ask this team if people were meant to stay in this space for prolonged periods of time.

SECOND: Throughout the presentation the group used the word “organic” but I did not see how the space they were describing fit the word, in fact it felt a little robotic. This was the one of the few groups who really did cool things with their ceilings. They floors however were quite boring and bare. It didn’t seem functional to have the tenants go through the fitness area to get to the only bathrooms on the floor.

For the visual representation the slides were laid out very well and each image included extremely good scale figures. For the verbal presentation they had a good beginning but a strange ending.

I would question this group about the inclusion of a worship area.


In our space we could have focused more on the transitional spaces. They did not seem to connect the spaces to well and were more open than they should have been. We could have done a lot more with that open space. We had a lot of nice components. The job/work system we created for the tenants was a great way to connect everyone together. In our presentation we spoke more about the needs of the tenants more than most people did. The connection between the floors was particularly strong in our neighborhood.

When thinking about the space and how to connect our tenants we came up with the idea of a greenhouse where they would grow their own vegetables to sell and eat. Thus creating job opportunities and connections between the tenants. All of the details and spatial arrangements came afterwards. I think this was a great way to go about thinking about the space. It was pulling together the space in a nice way that connected to our concept that we had trouble with.

I think our project benefited the class because of our thought process when it came to connecting the tenants.

It’s always time management that messes me up, but that is a learning process and is something that I have more control over when working alone.

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